New Assignment, New ME!

My first assignment as a pr student challenged almost everything I knew as  university student.

My assignment was called a communicator reporter . It did not require me to spend hours researching the library data base or exhausting every method of research. No, it required me to find a professional in my field, reach out and chat with them. Something I had never done.

I reached out to a pr professional from Contemporary Security Canada. I found my contact through a mutal friend on LinkedIn. Having a mutal friend made the connection much easiser. Check out tips below on how to reach out in any circumstance! 

I talked to her over the phone; I asked her  questions from the assignment but  I also asked  some of my own. This is key!  ALWAYS ASK. Ask what you want to know! People love being asked questions when helping others! 

This assignment was so insightful.  I learned from someone in the field I dreamed to be in. But I also did something I never thought I could do. I stepped out of my comfort zone.

Although I had major butterflies with this assignment  I realized I had conquered more than I thought I could. I learned new information about the world of pr but I also learned a new way to research, connect and  challenge myself.

Everything is a learning experience!

Happy Learning!


Check out this link on how to reach out :

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