How to Prepare for an Interview: From My Perspective

Interviews.  Everyone gets a chill down their spine when they hear that word.  Imagine how my heart dropped when I heard my teacher say we had to do an mock interview as one of our assignments.  After my heart dropped, I thought, I got this. 

Our assignment required us to research the mock job position  and prepare answers to potential interview questions.

I had never done a pr interview but I thought they must be similar to other retail interviews I had. Prior to the interview, I did research about the company and formed answers to potential questions. Lets just  say I did the bare minimum. This is a huge lesson right here. 

The Interview: 
I went into the interview room feeling pretty good. However, the interview style was different from what I was use to. It was quite formal and my typical answers were not going to cut it this time.  I was stunned but I moved through the interview thinking still I got this. 

What I learned: 
The I got this  attitude does not get you far. You cannot wing an interview.  And you must always prepare. Having never done a pr interview, I should have prepared much more and that showed big time.  

Here are the tips I learned from my pr interview:

1.PREPARE: Do your homework, research the company back ground, and write answers to potential interview questions.
2. Know your interview: Be aware of the type of interview it is. This is not an interview for a job at the mall. Think about that.
3. Be detailed in your answers: Give lots of examples, it’s your time to shine!  Use both work and non-work related examples as well. This shows you are well versed.
4. Ask Questions: Questions show you are interested and have done your homework. Be aware of appropriate  and inappropriate questions.
5.  Dress the part: The more professional you look the more professional you feel! 
6. Be confident NOT cocky: There is a huge difference in being confident and being cocky.

I hope my tips help but here are some other helpful tips about interviews from pr industry professionals. Check them out and tell me if they help!

I want you to be PREPARED for your pr interviews and LEARN from my mistakes.

Share your tips with me and let me know if mine help.

Happy Learning!

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